About Us
This section provides brief biographical information about the creators of this site as well as how they approach the central issues raised in the quest.
Brendan A. O'Donnell
Brendan first experienced Pennsylvania's system of municipal governments when he came to Commonwealth as a student at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to this experience, Brendan lived in Maryland and Delaware, two states which do not have the city/borough/township distinctions that Pennsylvania law mandates. In fact, the City of Pittsburgh is the only incorporated location that Brendan has ever lived in. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and has decided to remain in Pittsburgh to continue his professional education.
Andrew W. Miller

Andrew grew up in Pittsburgh's Overbrook neighborhood and the Municipality of Bethel Park. His participation in this project was an outgrowth of his interest in the county and the local character and history of each of its municipalities.

(Photo: Wabash Tunnel)
page revision: 21, last edited: 10 Jun 2015 03:25